Should I go for OCP Java 11 Certification 1Z0-817 or 819 Exam?

Updated Java Certification paths with new 1Z0-819 exam change

Note: Oracle has announced that OCP Java 11 Upgrade Exam 1Z0-817 will be retired on 30th Nov 2021. This means that you can't take this exam after 30th Nov 2021. So, if you are preparing for this exam, better take it as soon as possible.

The 1Z0-817 exam lets you upgrade even your old OCJP Java 6 certification to OCP Java 11. Hopefully, the new upgrade certification (if Oracle releases it for OCP Java 17) will also allow the same.

Oracle has discontinued the two part Java 11 Certification exams (OCP Java 11 part 1 (1Z0-815) and OCP Java 11 part 2 (1Z0-816)) and has replaced them with just one exam - OCP Java 11 Developer Exam 1Z0-819. Our content experts took this new exam and here is their 1Z0-819 exam experience.

If you have no Java certification or have OCAJP 8
As compared to other exams, the new exam is tough to pass because it covers a lot of topics ranging from the basic such as variable decarations, classes, loops, conditionals, overloading, and overriding to the really advanced, such as concurrency, annotations, security, JDBC, and NIO. Less experienced Java programmers and beginners will find it difficult to master all these topics. That is why many students are now wondering whether it is better to take the easier Java 8 exams (OCA 1Z0-808 and OCP 1Z0-809) and then later upgrade to Java 11 by taking the OCP Java 11 upgrade 1Z0-817 exam. Here is what we think:

If you really need to show some good certificate your resume asap, and if you do not have a few months to study for new new 1Z0-819 exam, then yes, you can go for OCAJP 8 exam. OCA 8 is substantially easier to pass than the new OCP 11 1Z0-819. But don't go for OCP 8 1Z0-809 after that. Take some time and prepare for OCP Java 11 1Z0-819 exam because Java 8 is very old now (Java 15 has already been released!) and Java 11 has some really good additions that will make you a good Java developer. Even if the new exam is tougher, we suggest you to take the challenge and go for it.

We do not think there is any point in taking the OCP 8 1Z0-809 exam now because it is also a tough exam to pass. If you are willing to spend that much effort, then why not just put in a little more effort take 1Z0-819 and get the latest OCP 11 certificate?

Also remember that you have to pay for appearing in each exam. So, taking OCA 8 + OCP 8 + OCP 11 will cost you thrice as much as just OCP 11. So, in our opinion, it is best to prepare for Java OCP 11 1Z0-819 exam thoroughly. Even if you fail the first time, you will at least know what to expect and then pass it the second time.

Of course, if you prepare thoroughly, you may even pass it in the first try!
If you already have OCP Java 8
If you have already passed 1Z0-809 and if you want to be OCP Java 11 certification, you have two options - Take the upgrade exam 1Z0-817 or Take the regular OCP Java 11 Exam 1Z0-819.

The upgrade exam is a highly focused exam and includes questions only the new topics such as modules, annotations, and security. It is therefore easier to pass because you don't have prepare for too many topics. That is why, in our opinion, it is better to take the 1z0-817 exam.